Profile of an artist


Antonio Luccarelli, a native of Avellino, Italy, came to NYC in 1936 and moved in with his sister in Princeton, graduating from Princeton HS. After a stint in the Army, he entered Princeton in 1944 to major in art and architecture and to room with Bates Littlehales. Antonio was married to his neighborhood sweetheart in 1948. He graduated with honors in ‘48, was on Tiger, and was art editor of the Nassau Lit.

Luccarelli’s professional career was in architecture, building, and land development, from Boston to Florida. He designed and largely built his own house in Princeton. An artist and artisan, painting thousands of canvases and carving innumerable sculptures from walnut, he held many solo art shows. Luccarelli was a Renaissance man with a great zest for living.

Antonio Luccarelli died on June 9, 2001, surrounded by his family. He was 79. He is survived by his wife, three children, nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


about antonio luccarelli  Copyright 2008